Wednesday Wishlist | A little bit of everything...

Hello all you lovely people! You may or may not have noticed that my blogging has been a little scarce lately - and I apologise for it! But you know sometimes in life when you're just stuck in a rut? Well yeah... I've been having one of those phases. Plus exams are coming up in the next couple of weeks and I'm starting to feel the pressure, eeeek!

But despite all that, my cravings for makeup products that I don't need haven't subsided at all - in fact I think the more stressed I feel, the more I want to go shopping! I guess that's "retail therapy" for you...

Here's what I've been thinking lately about instead of studying:


Isn't this brush just adorable? There's something so Harry Potter-esque about it - it looks like a broomstick! I've heard good things about this brush and come on, how lovely would it look in my collection of brushes?!


I know, I know, I'm super late on this one. The idea of pink hued eyeshadow had never appealed to me before - I guess I was just scared of looking like I had swollen eyelids. But I've been watching a lot of videos where this palette is used, and aaahhh the colours are just so pretty.


I am a loyal fan of the Maybelline Instant Age Rewind Concealer and am currently working my way through my multiple backups of them. But I think that when I'm done with those, I'd love to give this one a try. It is always raved about online, and who doesn't love the words "radiant" and "creamy" when it comes to concealers?


I have been meaning to try these for ages after reading Rae's blog post on her favourite lip products for dry and sensitive lips (which I have!). But is it just me, or do you also feel overwhelmed when there are too many shades to choose from? I don't even know where to begin!


I need this in my life!!! At the moment I use the NARS eyeshadow in Coconut Grove which is a really good colour match for me, but I just need something a little more waxy to tame the hairs down. This is one of the most talked about brow products and I am so eager to try it!

So there's all the products that I have been wishing for this week. What's on your wishlist?

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